Language: UA RU EN

Cost of services

The list of services


The service description

Connection to system TelecardianTM


Does not calculated.
The subscriber card.


Does not calculated.
The entering traffic of the ECG data from recorders 0,00 Does not calculated.
Adding recorder to the system TelecardianTM 0,00

Does not calculated.   

Remove recorder from the system TelecardianTM 0,00 Does not calculated.
Pause the operation of the «Private office» 0,00 Does not calculated.
Completely stopping operation of the   «Private office»


Does not calculated.
Renewal operation of «Private office» 0,00 Does not calculated.
Monthly insurance payment 3,00  In this case the system would have responsibility for storage of the monthly data

Monthly prepayment for 1 recorder (1-3 channel ECG).

4,00 It is calculated by the day, from calculation of the specified cost for 30 calendar days.
Monthly prepayment for 1 recorder (4-12 channel ECG). 5,00 It is calculated by the day, from calculation of the specified cost for 30 calendar days.
Renewal of all data 50,00 In case of insurance non-payment.

The explanation and decryptions

  1. * — the prices are specified in C.u. — current units. 1. C.u. = 1 US dollar according to the current commercial course.
  2. Payment is fulfilled by electronic payment system LiqPay with a help of payment cards VISA or MasterCàrd in any easily converted currency, also in the Russian roubles or the Ukrainian grivnas.
  3. Allotment Rate of exchange might differ from the deposit rate of exchange, by not more or less then 2% from cross-rate range of major freely convertible currency, according to the data supplied by Frankfurt Currency Stock and according to the exchange rate of central national currency of payment banks of the country for national currency.    
  4. Services are on the terms of prepayment system, so the balance of the User must be positive.    
  5. Work with the negative balance is prohibited, all functions and services automatically become blocked. The minimum sum of adding is 8 C.u.



New ECG recorder 06000.7 "Amulet"



New ECG recorder 06000.7 «Amulet» — portable electrocardiograph, event monitor and Holter recorder in one device.

Reñorder 06000.6 "butterfly"



New event recorder 06000.6 «butterfly» — closer to your heart!